If BR8KEDN® is the face of your conflictions, then “PHASES” is the journey through those conflictions. It‘s the representation of the idea that all humans experience chapters in life that shape them into who they are. “PHASES” is a subsidiary of BR8KEDN® that offers a more personal approach than normal, connecting the idea that humans go through phases in real-time. BR8KEDN®, as a brand, rolls through “PHASES”, just as humans do. This connection introduces the personification that BR8KEDN® exhibits for itself.
As humans grow, we go/grow through phases in life; overcoming difficult situations and looking back on them as if we were foolish for putting ourselves through it in the first place. We express ourselves in endless ways throughout these phases. Whether these expressions are perceived as embarrassing or encouraging, it’s the rendition of our experiences. There’s no need for pressure or judgements.
Note from the creator: “During a phase where I felt lonely and misunderstood, I had to find some way to vent. I chose to create BR8KEDN®, and this was the beginning of a phase within itself. While documenting and analyzing the ideas that came to my mind, I was discovering more about myself in the process. The more I analyzed myself and the more consistently I documented my thoughts and emotions, the more I wanted to discover.”
Experience is the best teacher. Embrace the phases and understand what they mean. You are shaped by what you experience.