“PHASES” umbrellas every concept that is associated with BR8KEDN®. BR8KEDN®, as a brand, rolls through “PHASES” instead of “seasons”. “PHASES” is more personal, due to the fact that humans go through real-life phases. This introduces the personification that BR8KEDN® idealizes for itself is the reason why “PHASES” are used instead of “seasons”.
As humans grow, we go/grow through phases in life; overcoming difficult situations and looking back on them as if we were stupid for putting ourselves through it in the first place. Its life, so there’s no pressure or justified judgements. Trust me, I would understand. I’m the creator of a brand that’s meant to be used to express oneself. I’ve been expressing my indirect thoughts and feelings ever since my second year in college. Feeling lonely and misunderstood sucked. I had to find SOME way to vent. So I chose BR8KEDN®. This was the beginning of a phase, and I documented at least 75% of every idea that came to my mind that related towards expressing myself. The deeper I analyzed myself and the more consistently I documented my thoughts and emotions, the more creative I became.
As I grow through life, my designs change– and so does my story. I believe that’s why it’s so important to document ones thoughts and ideas as they begin to come to fruition. That way, there’s beauty in the process looking back on the struggles. At the time of writing this, I’m itching to bring my vision even more to life, as if I’m creating a mad scientist’s doomsday experiment…
but let me not get too carried away…
this is simply who I am.